July 2 - The Two Gates of Freedom

Scripture: Acts 12:6-17

Affirmative action, student loans, the Fourth: these current news events are addressed in the story of Peter's liberation from the gates of prison - and the ironic lack of welcome he initially receives at the gate of his own people. Can we trust our God of the Exodus to liberate us through Gate 1: the prison of our privilege? Can we trust our Christ of the Common Table to free us to open Gate 2: the equity of the Beloved Community?

June 25 - Pride Sunday: How Free Do We Want to Be?

Rev. Chuck shares Pride stories of bold church witnesses these past two decades - including one at BPC. Scripture: Acts 8:26-40. The apostle Philip, who had not understood how healing his community could be, is freed by his willingness. The Ethiopian eunuch, who had not experienced the healing community of faith he so desired, is freed from his otherness. How free do we want to be: via our willingness, and from any sense of our otherness?

Palm Sunday - The Joy of a Church That Flies Low and Travels Light

Compared with Caesar's militant and massive crowd control for Passover: scholars generally agree that the "very large crowd" greeting Jesus was modest in size. Part of our Palm Sunday-like small church appeal is that we can pivot quickly, experiment, and make bold social justice gestures larger churches with various constituencies may hesitate to make. Enjoy Rev. Chuck Booker's stories of how this is played out!

Sunday, February 26 - Steps 1-3, "Let Your Shipwreck Speak"

Part 1 of a 5-part series: "The Twelve Steps: Spiritual Practices from the Church, for the Church." "These are the only genuine ideas: The ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, farce." - Jose Ortega y Gasset. How have you experienced "shipwreck" in your life? Have have you "bottomed out"? How has that experience given you – and continues to give you -the genuine, spiritual ideas and ways that serve you to this day?