A Prayer for Healing
A timely Advent piece that offers a balm of serenity and hope 'midst our recent social upheaval.
Our Choir sings "Good Trouble"
A powerful arrangement inspired by the words of the late Civil Rights legend, the Honorable John Lewis.
Guide My Feet
Love Brought Me Back!
Enjoy this rollicking contemporary spiritual celebrating the audacity of Jesus' resurrection.
I Choose Love
Anthem: Keep Your Lamps!
Enjoy this a cappella African-American spiritual from our choir - accompanied by a conga beat.
Advent Alleluia
We Shall Walk Through the Valley
In these days of war and rumors of war, this Black spiritual speaks volumes to us all.
Grant Us Thy Peace
Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive
Holy Bread of Heaven
"Even Here"
"A Jubilant Song"
All Things New
Ain't No Rock Gonna Shout for Me
"We Remember" (Communion)
Lyrics by Joseph Martin ... Music by Joseph Martin and Michael E. Showalter. Perfect set piece for a Communion celebration!
Anthem: "Bread of Heaven"
Composer/lyricist: Karen Marrolli. Sung by the BPC Choir on March 5, 2023. Enjoy!
"Here's One" (Black Spiritual)
Talk about a child who do love Jesus/Here’s one, here’s one.
Talk about a child who do love Jesus/Here’s one, here’s one.
Ever since I heard the gospel story/I’ve been walking up the path to Glory.
Talk about a child who do love Jesus/Here’s one.
Talk about a child that's been converted
Here’s one, here’s one.
Talk about a child that’s been converted/Here’s one, here’s one.
Talk about a child that's been converted/Here's one, here's one.
Ever since I heard the gospel story/ I’ve been walking up the path to Glory.
Talk about a child that’s been converted/Here’s one.