Members Stories — Bethesda Presbyterian Church

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Letting the Spirit Speak: Members Share their Stories


Spiritual leaders on our Session (church board) and new members alike have been asked to share during Worship their response to this question: “What does Bethesda Presbyterian Church mean to me?”

Colin Church

What Does Bethesda Presbyterian Church Mean to Me? Fifty-plus years ago, I moved to Bethesda and entered BPC for the first time: the Church that named Bethesda. At that time, I sat in the very last pew in the Sanctuary next to the door. That was for a quick and hopefully unnoticed escape if need be. I could not have guessed that it would become one of the most important moments in my life.

Vicki Gau

During the Season of Advent (the four weeks prior to Christmas), BPC member and professional conductor Vicki Gau (shown below with her daughter) shared in Worship her response to the question, “What Does Advent Mean to Me?”


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