Palm Sunday - The Joy of a Church That Flies Low and Travels Light

Compared with Caesar's militant and massive crowd control for Passover: scholars generally agree that the "very large crowd" greeting Jesus was modest in size. Part of our Palm Sunday-like small church appeal is that we can pivot quickly, experiment, and make bold social justice gestures larger churches with various constituencies may hesitate to make. Enjoy Rev. Chuck Booker's stories of how this is played out!

Sunday, February 26 - Steps 1-3, "Let Your Shipwreck Speak"

Part 1 of a 5-part series: "The Twelve Steps: Spiritual Practices from the Church, for the Church." "These are the only genuine ideas: The ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, farce." - Jose Ortega y Gasset. How have you experienced "shipwreck" in your life? Have have you "bottomed out"? How has that experience given you – and continues to give you -the genuine, spiritual ideas and ways that serve you to this day? 

January 15 - When Aged and Infant Meet, Part 3 of 3: "From Professional to Presence."

Bethesda (MD) Presbyterian Church - Rev. Chuck Booker, Pastor. Scripture: John 1:35-39. The DC area is heavily "professionalized" - an easy place to become siloed into one's specialty, unmoored from a broader, deeper presence in our world. Jesus' example that puts a premium on presence - "Come and see" where I am staying, he says - stands as a glorious antidote to a life that would be defined by one's profession.